This program is taught by and intended for women. Do some of the commands of God seem difficult to obey? How do we stop worrying? Talk about a challenging command, not unlike the one to love our enemies! Some of God’s commands may be hard for us to obey, but our reward will be eternal life with Him. This study with Wanda Robinson includes 6 lessons on 2 DVDs.
$28.00 -
This program on relatively unknown men in the Bible is a 12-lesson study on living God’s way. Super-power your faith with a look at these intriguing men in the Bible as Wanda Robinson answers the question, “Who is that guy?” This includes 12 lessons on 3-DVDs in one album box.
$36.00 -
Helping women grow in their textual and topical studies. Join Doritta Johnson in two unique studies as she takes a closer look at the life of one incredible woman through scripture and what it means for women to live as citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven. This includes 8 lessons on 2 DVDs.
$28.00 -
This program is taught by and intended for women. Do you have an in-the-trenches buddy? Who do you trust to keep your secrets? How does the Lord provide for your survival against the illness that sets up residence in your body? What enables you to face consequences of past sins? Open your heart to the possibilities within your grasp to make a difference to those who need you. Brenda Poarch will help you open your bible to find the way to make it happen. This study includes 9 lessons and 1 bonus lesson on 2 DVDs.
$28.00 -
In this study Don Blackwell will open the pages of Scripture to see what God has to say about the role of women in the home, in the marriage relationship and in the Church. It includes a 29-minute lesson on 1 DVD. The DVD includes English Subtitles and contains the lesson interpreted into American Sign Language (ASL) by Michael Fehmer. Available in Album Box only as of August 2022.
$14.00 -
This DVD is designed to help a woman who finds herself with an unexpected pregnancy and pressed with decisions of what to do. It is hosted by Kyle Butt, Rick Brumback and Al Washington, and includes a 28-minute lesson on 1 DVD. This DVD includes English subtitles and contains the lesson interpreted into American Sign Language (ASL) by Michael Fehmer.
Mix & Match available with other Volume Deals
Buy 20 or more for $2.00 each$14.00 -
This series explores two critical areas of the Christian woman’s life. This course is hosted by Becky Blackmon and includes 2 lessons on 1 DVD.
$14.00 -
This program is taught by and intended for women. Do you like to ask questions? Are you inquisitive? Do you enjoy learning new things about the Bible? In this series, Becky Blackmon challenges all of us to seek the Lord and examine our priorities in this life. How easy it is to get distracted and forget about God. It includes 2 lessons on 1 DVD.
$14.00 -
This program is taught by and intended for women. How can you show that everyone has value? How can you avoid feeling invisible? What risks will you take to have a close friend? Why must you learn how to express love? How can you encourage another person and forge meaningful connections? When is the right time to open your eyes and reach out to some soul? Doritta McDaniel Johnson will show you how to stretch out your hands and seek cords of love that cannot be broken. It includes 7 lessons on 2 DVDs.
$28.00 -
This material is PRACTICAL, PRACTICAL, PRACTICAL for parents who need plain advice. It is hosted by Glenn Colley and includes 2 lessons on 1 DVD. The DVD contains the lesson interpreted into American Sign Language (ASL) by Michael Fehmer. Available in Album Box only as of February 2022.
$14.00 -
This series explores three critical areas of the Christian woman’s life. This course is hosted by Becky Blackmon and includes 3 lessons on 1 DVD.
$14.00 -
This series of lessons explores the life and time of Queen Esther. This course is hosted by Becky Blackmon and includes four lessons on 1 DVD.
$14.00 -
A course for young ladies who truly want to become women after God’s own heart. It is hosted by Sheila Keckler Butt and includes 6 lessons on 1 DVD.
Mix & Match available with other Volume Deals
Buy 20 or more for $2.00 each$14.00 -
This program is taught by and intended for women. We all have said to ourselves, “Where has the time gone?” Our lives are flying by, and there are days when we can barely hold on! What does God want us to do with the time He has so graciously given us? This series of lessons by Becky Blackmon examines the beginning of time and amazing accounts of time itself. In addition, it also looks at a Christian’s priorities in this short life of ours. Will we choose to live our lives for Him or will we selfishly choose our own desires? Come, and let’s learn together what God has to say about Time and our eternity. It includes 2 lessons on 1 DVD.
$14.00 -
This series of lessons explores the meaning and beauty of Psalm 23. This course is hosted by Becky Blackmon and includes four lessons on 2 DVDs.
$28.00 -
This study answers questions about what the Bible teaches regarding sexual desire in Marriage. It is designed for MARRIED COUPLES ONLY, and NOT INTENDED for Bible Class. It is hosted by Greg Neill and includes 10 lessons on 1 DVD.
$14.00 -
These lessons explore the true meaning of joy. This course is hosted by Becky Blackmon and includes 2 lessons on 1 DVD.
$14.00 -
Lessons designed to help women learn what the Bible teaches about being a godly wife. This course is hosted by Patsy Loden and includes 7 lessons on 4 DVDs. Each lesson is approximately 1 hour.
$11.95 – $48.00 -
Come and meet Mary and Martha who were privileged to be a friend of Jesus and have Jesus as a house guest. It is hosted by Becky Blackmon and includes 2 lessons on 1 DVD.
$14.00 -
Pre-Marital Counseling is for couples who will soon marry and who want help to create a happy, durable, Christian home. The goal is to examine and decide critical issues at this stage–before the rice is thrown–so the first year will be happier. Preparation today is better than conflict resolution tomorrow. This DVD examines the challenging areas of money, children, sex, parents, in-laws, leadership and religion. It is hosted by Glenn Colley and includes 8 lessons with supplemental material “Pornography” and “Being Saved.”
$14.00 -
This program is taught by and intended for women. God created out of His great love and He gave His only begotten Son out of His great love. Because He wants offspring who will return His love, He shows us how love looks. Lesson 1 of this set discusses God’s gift to Christ (Colossians 1:16), and the sacrifice Jesus made to bring the gift home to heaven. The second presentation defines and illustrates ways in which we may show sacrificial love toward our Sovereign Lord. It is hosted by Doritta Johnson and includes 2 lessons on 1 DVD.
$14.00 -
This series by Sheila Keckler Butt is a great tool for ladies Bible class or personal study. This course has 12 lessons approximately 38 minutes each on 2 DVDs.
$28.00 -
This DVD series focuses on challenging Biblical passages that help you deal with the blessings and stresses of this life. It is hosted by Becky Blackmon and includes 2 lessons on 1 DVD.
$14.00 -
This is a 106-page soft-cover study book authored by Debra Griffin Mitchell. This is an in-depth examination of portions of God’s word that you probably haven’t studied before, and considers the responses of God’s people when He answered their prayers and delivered them from trials and tribulations.
Songs of Deliverance receives 5-star review
(see below for the Readers’ Favorite review)E-book available for Amazon Kindle.
See the following page for links: https://store.wvbs.org/wvbs-ebooks/
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