Mary and Martha DVD

SKU: 102726DVD01


Come and meet Mary and Martha who were privileged to be a friend of Jesus and have Jesus as a house guest. It is hosted by Becky Blackmon and includes 2 lessons on 1 DVD.

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Vol. Price $5.00 ea


Come and meet Mary and Martha! In this first session we see how privileged these two sisters were because Jesus was their friend and their house guest. God allows us to eavesdrop on some very intimate moments in their relationship with the Son of God. Oh, the lessons that are to be learned here!

In the second session of this DVD, Becky helps women to examine their lives and the importance of being like Mary and choosing “the good part.” Our lives are quickly vanishing, and where is the time for Him?

As Becky often says, “These lessons are real stuff—no fluff!”

Lessons Include:

1. Mary and Martha (31-min)

2. Am I Choosing the Good Part? (38 min)

Additional information

Weight 1 lbs
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Mary and Martha DVD