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  • An advanced in-depth study of the Godhead, not to be undertaken until you have studied all of the books of the Bible in preparation. It is hosted by Chuck Horner and includes 48 Lessons on 16 DVDs.

  • When will Jesus come again? Will it be soon? Will he set up is kingdom at that time? What about the Antichrist, the mark of the beast and the rapture? This DVD contains three lessons: When will the Kingdom Come?, No One Left Behind and Premillennialism: A Deeper Study. In these lessons, Don Blackwell will answer these questions with detailed explanations from the Word of God.  This 1 DVD includes English Subtitles and contains the lesson interpreted into American Sign Language (ASL) by Michael Fehmer.

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    Buy 20 or more for $2.00 each


  • A detailed study of the New Testament church and the necessity of following God’s pattern. It is hosted by Rod Rutherford and includes 18 lessons on 6 DVDs.

  • A study of the preacher’s preaching, life and work. It is hosted by Clarence DeLoach and includes 13 lessons.

  • Many people believe that the Ten Commandments represent God’s law for mankind today. Others argue that the Ten Commandments represent a portion of God’s old law that is no longer binding. In truth, what should our stand be? In this 26-minute lesson, Don Blackwell opens the Word of God and answers this important question. This 1 DVD includes English Subtitles and contains the lesson interpreted into American Sign Language (ASL) by Michael Fehmer.

    Mix & Match available with other Volume Deals
    Buy 20 or more for $2.00 each

  • This condensed study covers some of the basic understandings of angels and their work.  It is hosted by Travis L. Quertermous and includes two 34-minute lessons on 1 DVD. The DVD includes English Subtitles and contains the lesson interpreted into American Sign Language (ASL) by Michael Fehmer.


    Mix & Match available with other Volume Deals
    Buy 20 or more for $2.00 each

  • A course designed to address today’s problems with Bible answers. It is hosted by Don Blackwell and includes 8 lessons on 1 DVD.

    Mix & Match available with other Volume Deals
    Buy 20 or more for $2.00 each

  • How does God feel about same-sex marriage? What does the Bible teach about homosexuality? In this 37-minute long program, Don Blackwell shines the light of God’s truth on these and other questions that are trending cultural topics.  This 1 DVD includes English Subtitles and contains the lesson interpreted into American Sign Language (ASL) by Michael Fehmer. Available in Album Box only as of October 2022.

  • May a Christian defend himself and his family? What if self-defense requires the use of lethal force? May a Christian serve as a police officer or in the military? In this 27-minute long program, Don Blackwell examines the arguments and explains from the Bible how God authorizes self-defense.  This 1 DVD includes English Subtitles and contains the lesson interpreted into American Sign Language (ASL) by Michael Fehmer.

    Mix & Match available with other Volume Deals
    Buy 20 or more for $2.00 each

  • Where do we go when we die? What is the truth about Heaven and Hell?  At some point everyone ponders these questions. While the world offers uncertainties, the Bible provides solid answers for the journey of our soul from conception to eternity. Don Blackwell presents biblical answers for the topics of Heaven, Hell and our soul’s journey after death on 1 DVD. The main program is 33 minutes in length. The DVD includes English Subtitles and contains the lesson interpreted into American Sign Language (ASL) by Michael Fehmer.

    Mix & Match available with other Volume Deals
    Buy 20 or more for $2.00 each


  • A course designed to help new Christians learn the fundamentals of New Testament worship. It is hosted by Don Blackwell and Neal Pollard and includes 8 lessons on 1 DVD.

    Click Here to Watch Online

  • With so many religious groups and denominations claiming to be the one true church of the New Testament, which one did Christ establish? It is hosted by Don Blackwell and includes a 30-minute lesson on 1 DVD.  The DVD includes English Subtitles and contains the lesson interpreted into American Sign Language (ASL) by Michael Fehmer.


    Mix & Match available with other Volume Deals
    Buy 20 or more for $1.00 each

  • Is Christianity truly different from other religions in the world? Are all religions equal and simply different ways to God? With religious tension on the rise, it is even more important to understand the difference between Christianity and other major religions in the world. This survey study compares Islam to Christianity, Buddha with Christ, the New Age Movement versus the Bible, and much more! It is hosted by Rod Rutherford and includes 20 lessons on 7 DVDs.

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