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  • In a world ravaged by a pandemic, division, and darkness, it can be hard to see any reason to cling to hope. In this 7-lesson series,  Bill Watkins explores how God offers abundant hope even in the most trying times. This DVD includes 7 lessons on 2 DVDs.

  • This course is taught by Rob Whitacre and is designed for those who do not know the story of the Bible.  The DVD  includes three sections with 17 lessons for a total of 2 hours and 16 min.

    Where did we come from? What is your purpose in life? How you answer these fundamental questions is greatly affected by whether you believe in God, believe the Bible is true, and believe Jesus to be divine. In these lessons, you will use straightforward reasoning and see commonsense applications for understanding how you can Believe the Bible.

    Mix & Match available with other Volume Deals
    Buy 20 or more for $2.00 each


  • During stressful times of crisis, many experience frustration, worry, anxiety, fear, and hopelessness. Where is the Creator in times of crisis? Bill Watkins, Don Blackwell, Kyle Butt, Jeff Jenkins and Wayne Jones address these topics in light of what the Bible has to say. It includes 9 lessons on 2 DVDs.

  • This new program by Rob Whitacre was developed from the “Does It Matter?” booklet by Bobby Bates. In this 60-minute lesson the viewer will be guided by Bible verses and questions so that they will understand what the Lord would have them to know to decide to obey His plan for their salvation. This DVD includes English Subtitles.

    Mix & Match available with other Volume Deals
    Buy 20 or more for $2.00 each

  • This card provides an invitation to access a free, 1-hour, personal Bible study. In just 60 minutes Rob Whitacre guides the viewer in reading for themselves the fundamentals of the Gospel and the plan of salvation. This invitation to your friends, family, and neighbors will present the truth to set them free. The size of each card is 3.5″ x 2″ (size of a business card) and is packaged in a 250-count box.

    Original price was: $35.00.Current price is: $29.00.
  • This card provides an invitation to access a free, 1-hour, personal Bible study. In just 60 minutes Rob Whitacre guides the viewer in reading for themselves the fundamentals of the Gospel and the plan of salvation. This invitation to your friends, family, and neighbors will present the truth to set them free. The size of each card is 3.5″ x 2″ (size of a business card) and is packaged in a 500-count box.

    Original price was: $39.00.Current price is: $34.00.
  • This program is taught by and intended for women. Do some of the commands of God seem difficult to obey? How do we stop worrying? Talk about a challenging command, not unlike the one to love our enemies! Some of God’s commands may be hard for us to obey, but our reward will be eternal life with Him. This study with Wanda Robinson includes 6 lessons on 2 DVDs.

  • Second Edition 2020. Do we have God’s Inspired Word today? Many scholars today claim the Bible has missing books, has books included which do not belong, and that the Bible was not accurately transmitted (copied) or translated. This series by Denny Petrillo, Ph.D.,  takes a factual look at the evidence on how we got the Bible. It will address the tough questions regarding the origin, the canon, the transmission and the translation of the Bible into English. This DVD includes English Subtitles. (Album Box 2025)

  • This program on relatively unknown men in the Bible is a 12-lesson study on living God’s way. Super-power your faith with a look at these intriguing men in the Bible as Wanda Robinson answers the question, “Who is that guy?”  This includes 12 lessons on 3-DVDs in one album box.

  • This series of Advanced Lessons by Rob Whitacre supplements his first series titled, Personal Evangelism Seminar. After gaining a working knowledge of basic personal evangelism principles, these advanced lessons will deepen your understanding and help improve your skills to become more effective in reaching the lost. This DVD includes 6 lessons.

  • Helping women grow in their textual and topical studies. Join Doritta Johnson in two unique studies as she takes a closer look at the life of one incredible woman through scripture and what it means for women to live as citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven. This includes 8 lessons on 2 DVDs.

  • This program is taught by and intended for women. Do you have an in-the-trenches buddy? Who do you trust to keep your secrets? How does the Lord provide for your survival against the illness that sets up residence in your body? What enables you to face consequences of past sins? Open your heart to the possibilities within your grasp to make a difference to those who need you. Brenda Poarch will help you open your bible to find the way to make it happen. This study includes 9 lessons and 1 bonus lesson on 2 DVDs.

  • The world in which we live makes many demands on our lives. Which are the most important demands, and which should we ignore? The Bible provides a clear focus for the Christian’s life, helping to understand what to do and why. Join Bill Watkins in looking at “The Crux of the Matter,”  which includes 7 lessons on 1 DVD.

    Mix & Match available with other Volume Deals
    Buy 20 or more for $2.00 each
  • “Piece by piece” this study will put together each book of the Bible to form a beautiful picture of the cross.  Follow along as Rob Whitacre simplifies the Old and New Testament, revealing the redemptive message of Jesus in each book. The DVD includes 4 lessons on 1 DVD and English Subtitles.

    Mix & Match available with other Volume Deals
    Buy 20 or more for $2.00 each

  • What is an elder? What are the qualifications to serve in this capacity? What is a congregation to do if it doesn’t have qualified men? In this series of lessons,  Don Blackwell and Glenn Colley sit down with open Bibles and answer these important questions. It includes 4 lessons on 1 DVD. Each lesson approximately 30 minutes in length.

  • This 126-page, softcover book  makes a wonderful teaching tool for the subjects: Tattoos, Gambling, Drinking, Dancing, Lying, Modesty, Pornography, Marriage Divorce and Remarriage, and What Must I Do To be Saved? by Don Blackwell. 2019 Version – Changed to black and white interior pages instead of color. 

    E-book available for Amazon Kindle.

    See the following page for links:

  • In this Video Bible Study you will be shown from God’s own words what you must know to receive His everlasting gift of life in Heaven. It is hosted by John Haffner and includes English Subtitles.

    Mix & Match available with other Volume Deals
    Buy 20 or more for $2.00 each

  • This new Invitation Card directs your Bible study prospect to, where John Haffner provides a  Free, two-part Bible study that addresses straightforward questions about the Bible and how to be pleasing to God. Invitation cards provide a gentle and loving way to guide someone to the gift of life. This invitation to your friends, family, and neighbors will present the truth to set them free. The size of each card is 3.5″ x 2″ (size of a business card) and is packaged in a 250-count box.

    Original price was: $35.00.Current price is: $29.00.
  • This new Invitation Card directs your Bible study prospect to, where John Haffner provides a  Free, two-part Bible study that addresses straightforward questions about the Bible and how to be pleasing to God. Invitation cards provide a gentle and loving way to guide someone to the gift of life. This invitation to your friends, family, and neighbors will present the truth to set them free. The size of each card is 3.5″ x 2″ (size of a business card) and is packaged in a 500-count box.

    Original price was: $39.00.Current price is: $34.00.
  • The “Video Bible Study: Teacher’s Edition” is an exciting and unique evangelism resource. Building on the popular Video Bible Study program, this resource is available in 2 formats: FREE download and USB flashdrive. This set of content provides an entire evangelism toolkit to conduct personal Bible studies with access to multiple media formats: PowerPoint, Workbooks, Video, Audio, and beautiful Teaching Charts.

  • Can atheism logically explain the existence of the Universe and everything in it, or does God exist? Does an honest investigation of the world around us logically lead to a Creator, or does godless naturalism sufficiently explain design, intelligence, and morality? And, if God does exist, where did He come from, and why doesn’t He just show Himself to everyone to prove that He exists—if He really does? Join Eric Lyons as he discusses these and many other intriguing questions in Why God? This DVD includes 35 lessons and English Subtitles.

    Mix & Match available with other Volume Deals
    Buy 20 or more for $2.00 each

  • In this study Don Blackwell will open the pages of Scripture to see what God has to say about the role of women in the home, in the marriage relationship and in the Church. It includes a 29-minute lesson on 1 DVD.  The DVD includes English Subtitles and contains the lesson interpreted into American Sign Language (ASL) by Michael Fehmer. Available in Album Box only as of August 2022.

  • Reason, common sense, and true science demand an explanation for the beauty, splendor, and amazing animals on Earth. Random chance and mindlessness could never bring about the complex design found throughout the animal kingdom. These superbly designed animals call for a Creator. Join Eric Lyons as he investigates the Wonders of Creation and the “fingerprints” of God. The DVD includes 13 lessons and English Subtitles.  (Album Box January 2025)

  • This flash drive USB contains seven evangelistically focused programs, which includes 20 video lessons (over 12.5 hrs). Each of these programs takes a different perspective to  introduce the Gospel to the viewer, or to help them consider the importance of the lost learning God’s will.

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