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Women’s Studies DVD Bundle

SKU: 100511DVD01


Women’s Studies DVD Bundle
Regular Price $140.00  for only $40.00

Bonus 2-DVD Set:
Ruth: Refuge Under His Wings
& The Kingdom of Heaven

This special bundle includes a variety of excellent Women’s Studies DVDs, from lessons on personal growth to building deeper relationships to following God’s hardest commands. These DVDs will make a great addition to any lady’s library or available for the church’s library.


Women’s Studies Bundle
These programs are taught by and intended for women.

Are You A Pearl Seeker? DVD
Do you like to ask questions? Are you inquisitive? Do you enjoy learning new things about the Bible? In this series, Becky Blackmon challenges all of us to seek the Lord and examine our priorities in this life. How easy it is to get distracted and forget about God.

Bind Us Together 2-DVD by Doritta Johnson
How can you show that everyone has value? How can you avoid feeling invisible? Why must you persevere and suffer to form lasting bonds? How do you share your true feelings? What risks will you take to have a close friend? Why must you learn how to express love? How can you encourage another person and forge meaningful connections? When is the right time to open your eyes and reach out to some soul? Are you serving or being served? Learn how to stretch out your hands and seek cords of love that cannot be broken.

Finding the Time DVD
We all have said to ourselves, “Where has the time gone?” Our lives are flying by, and there are days when we can barely hold on! What does God want us to do with the time He has so graciously given us? This series of lessons by Becky Blackmon examines the beginning of time and amazing accounts of time itself. In addition, it also looks at a Christian’s priorities in this short life of ours. Will we choose to live our lives for Him or will we selfishly choose our own desires? Come, and let’s learn together what God has to say about Time and our eternity.

God’s Hardest Command 2-DVD by Wanda Robinson
God, our Creator and Master, tells us if we love Him we will keep His commandments (John 14:15). Do some of the commands of God seem difficult for you to obey? God wants us to trust Him instead of worrying, but that can be so hard! How do we stop worrying? This world is a big, scary place, but God tells us not to be afraid. Talk about a challenging command, not unlike the one to love our enemies! Some of God’s commands may be hard for us to obey, but our reward will be eternal life with Him. Let’s study together some of these difficult commands as we learn how to better please God.

Sacrificial Love DVD by Doritta Johnson
Love creates and love gives. It’s what love does. God created out of His great love and He gave His only begotten Son out of His great love. Because He wants offspring who will return His love, He shows us how love looks. His sacrifice of love and Jesus’ sacrifice of love motivate us to return their love in a sacrificial way.

Side by Side 2-DVD by Brenda Poarch
Do you have an in-the-trenches buddy who has seen your ring around the bathtub and your sink full of dirty dishes? Who do you trust to keep your secrets? How does the Lord provide for your survival against the illness that sets up residence in your body? What enables you to face consequences of past sins? Open your heart to the possibilities within your grasp to make a difference to those who need you. Open your Bible to find the way to make it happen.

Woman to Woman: Marriage Matters DVD
Christian women fill many roles. As multi-taskers we shine, teach, work and train. With so many responsibilities, sometimes the relationship with our husband goes a little neglected. In these two sessions there is opportunity to review that relationship and to renew attention to it. Beyond the basic principles, these segments will refresh and enhance in big and little ways our God-designed role in marriage. It is hosted by Cherie Vestal and intended for ladies.

Ruth: Refuge Under His Wings (Bonus DVD 1)
In this four-lesson series, Doritta Johnson presents a textual study of the book of Ruth that challenges women to take a closer look at the journey of one incredible woman through Scripture. Doritta encourages students to examine everything from the purpose to the plot, and the practicality to the providential working of God. Women will leave the study not only with a greater understanding of Ruth, but also a greater understanding of the God she diligently chose to serve.

The Kingdom of Heaven (Bonus DVD 2)
Join Doritta Johnson in an enriching topical study on not only the unique nature of the Kingdom of Heaven, but also what Kingdom-living looks like for women today. Through these four lessons, ladies can explore topics such as: The Church and its purpose, the nature of the King, and the purpose and priorities of kingdom citizens. Rich in Scripture and application, any student can leave this series better prepared to influence the world without being a part of it.


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Women’s Studies DVD Bundle
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