Side by Side 2-DVD Set

SKU: 102746DVD00


This program is taught by and intended for women. Do you have an in-the-trenches buddy? Who do you trust to keep your secrets? How does the Lord provide for your survival against the illness that sets up residence in your body? What enables you to face consequences of past sins? Open your heart to the possibilities within your grasp to make a difference to those who need you. Brenda Poarch will help you open your bible to find the way to make it happen. This study includes 9 lessons and 1 bonus lesson on 2 DVDs.

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$28.00 $4.00

Vol. Price $4.00/set


Side by Side

Learning to Share and Bear Life’s Burdens

Do you have an in-the-trenches buddy who has seen your ring around the bathtub and your sink full of dirty dishes? Who do you trust to keep your secrets? How does the Lord provide for your survival against the illness that sets up residence in your body? What enables you to face consequences of past sins? Open your heart to the possibilities within your grasp to make a difference to those who need you. Open your Bible to find the way to make it happen.

Lesson 1:  Through All Kinds of Weather-Part 1 (28 min.)
Lesson 2:  Through All Kinds of Weather-Part 2 (32 min.)
Lesson 3:  When Abnormal Becomes Normal-Part 1 (30 min.)
Lesson 4:  When Abnormal Becomes Normal-Part 2 (33 min.)

Lesson 5:  Lions, Tigers, and Bears, Oh My!-Part 1 (28 min.)
Lesson 6:  Lions, Tigers, and Bears, Oh My!-Part 2 (30 min.)
Lesson 7:  The Sin No One Confesses-Part 1 (19 min.)
Lesson 8:  The Sin No One Confesses-Part 2 (22 min.)
Lesson 9:  Celebration & Reflection (12 min.)
Bonus Lesson:  Is Sin Fun? (27 min.)

“When you have finished this course, you will be richer–not in dollars, but in friendships. Side by Side can then become your reference of survival. God’s family is the best support system in the world; living His way sends blessings beyond your wildest dreams; and some of the best blessings are right beside you.”  ~Brenda Barnes Poarch

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Side By Side
Side by Side 2-DVD Set