Sermons by Neal Pollard Vol. 3

SKU: 106038


Inspiring and motivating sermons. Speaker is Neal Pollard and includes 17 sermons on 4 DVDs.



Each sermon approximately 25 minutes.



Sermons Include:

DVD #1


1. The Gospel is the Power of God for Salvation
2. Avoiding Hypocrisy
3. Am I in the Right Church?
4. Practical Christianity: How to Possess Your Salvation


DVD #2


5. Practical Christianity: How to Possess Your Faith
6. Practical Christianity: Three Truths We Need to Remember
7. What I learn from Judgment
8. Take Time to be Holy



DVD #3


9. Salvation: Choice or Chosen
10. Lessons from Farmers in the New Testament
11. Declaration of Dependence
12. The Parable of the Lost Sheep


DVD #4


13. A Sermon I Would Not Have Dared to Preach 20 Years Ago
14. Grow in Service to Others
15. The Victorious Resurrection of Christ
16. Eternal Punishment
17. Can He Not Even Save Himself?


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Sermons by Neal Pollard Vol. 3