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MP3-USB Gospel Sermons

SKU: 100436USB01

Original price was: $20.00.Current price is: $16.00.

A feast of sermons for your listening pleasure on one MP3-USB. Just imagine four sermons by Jim Dearman, six by George Bailey, seven by Denny Petrillo, eight by Burt Jones, six by Perry Cotham, 30 by John Grubb and eight by Wesley Simons. That’s right, 69 sermons for your listening pleasure. This product is AUDIO ONLY and can be used in most cars, stereos and DVD players. It can also be downloaded onto your computer and mobile devices. Note: The audio lessons are taken from the full DVD courses recorded by WVBS.

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This product is AUDIO ONLY and can be used in most cars, stereos and DVD players. It can also be downloaded onto your computer and mobile devices. Note: The audio lessons are taken from the full DVD courses recorded by WVBS.

Gospel Sermons Audio Lessons

Jim Dearman
1. Salvation and the Seatbelt
2. Salvation and Grace
3. Salvation and Faith
4. Salvation and the Church
George Bailey
1. What Do You See
2. Do You See Yourself as You Are?
3. Do You See God as He Is?
4. Do You See God’s Lord as Infallible?
5. Do You See Why Christ Came?
6. Do You See Heaven as Your Home?
Denny Petrillo
1. The Fear of God
2. The Second Coming of Christ
3. Grace
4. Covenant
5. Bible Baptism-Part 1
6. Bible Baptism-Part 2
7. Temptation
Burt Jones
1. The Point of No Return
2. It’s About Time
3. What Are You Waiting For?
4. Power of Passion
5. Excuses
6. Burdens
7. Slightly Soiled–Greatly Reduced In Price
8. Happiness
Perry Cotham
1. Three Dispensations of the Bible
2. The Day of Pentecost–Acts 2
3. Liberal Giving or How Much Is Liberal?
4. After Death, Then What?
5. Receiving Eternal Life
6. Vine and the Branches
John Grubb
1. The Value of One Soul
2. Defending and Extending the Faith
3. The Way of Salvation
4. God’s Word Is Relevant
5. Paul’s Advice to Timothy
6. God’s Promise to Abraham
7. The Identity of the Church
8. Christian
9. Christianity: A New and Different Religion
10. Christians the Bible Does Not Mention by Name
11. Do You Really Want to Go to Heaven?
12. God’s Elijah and Elijah’s God
13. Faith of the Ancients
14. Feeding on Ashes
15. Five Great Days
16. From Heaven or from Men
17. Does Everyone Have a Right to His Own Belief?
18. In Search of True Joy
19. Lessons from the Tower of Babel
20. Lessons Israel Learned at Jericho
21. The Church Is Not a Denomination
22. New Every Morning
23. Nitpicking
24. Redeeming the Time
25. Repentance
26. The Genealogy of Christ
27. To Whom Shall We Go?
28. Tragedies in Religion
29. Verbal Inspiration
30. Who Cares?
Wesley Simons
1. The Heart
2. Why We Persuade Men
3. Lessons from Pilate
4. Christian Graces
5. The Church
6. The Conversion of the Eunuch
7. Preaching Jesus
8. John 3:16

Over 35 hours of great sermons.

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Weight 1 lbs
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MP3-USB Gospel Sermons
Original price was: $20.00.Current price is: $16.00. Add to cart