Topical Album DVDs
Mix & Match 10 or more DVDs
for Volume Pricing
$14.00 – $28.00
Weekly Sale December 10th – 16th
Truth About…Christmas
December/ January Sale – Topical Album DVDs
Purchase 10 or More DVDs
(Same or Different Title)
for Volume Pricing
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Topical Album DVDs
Mix & Match 10 or more DVDs
for Volume Pricing
A course designed to help Christians understand their responsibility as stewards of the Lord’s money. It is hosted by Kyle Butt and includes 6 lessons on 1 DVD.
Mix & Match available with other Volume Deals
Buy 20 or more for $2.00 each
A course to help you understand the different audiences of people that will visit your website and how to minister to each. It is hosted by Michael Hite and includes 5 lessons on 1 DVD.
This is a 407-page spiral-bound notebook based on Denny Petrillo’s teaching notes for the course.
December/January – Cardsleeve DVDs
Purchase 20 or More DVDs
(Same or Different Title)
for Volume Pricing
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In an effort to preserve the influence of some of the most able preachers of our generation, this series is introduced. One DVD is devoted to each preacher.
Buy 4 or more for $8 each
Mix and Match
Spanish Voice-Over by Tim Ditoro with Spanish Subtitles translated by Moisés Pinedo. This new program is designed to teach the viewer what one needs to know to become a Christian. Written and hosted by John Moore.
Mix & Match available with other Volume Deals
Buy 20 or more for $1.00 each
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