The Truth About Moral Issues SoftCover Book (2019)
SKU: 107103BKP01$14.95
This 126-page, softcover book makes a wonderful teaching tool for the subjects: Tattoos, Gambling, Drinking, Dancing, Lying, Modesty, Pornography, Marriage Divorce and Remarriage, and What Must I Do To be Saved? by Don Blackwell. 2019 Version – Changed to black and white interior pages instead of color.
E-book available for Amazon Kindle.
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The Truth About
Addressing Today’s Problems with Bible Answers
Sooner or later, most of us find ourselves facing moral, social, ethical and biblical situations that command our attention. These situations can affect our family, friends, neighbors or others. In an easy to understand manner, Don Blackwell presents a compelling and informative answer from a biblical and practical standpoint.
What Others Are Saying…
“Don Blackwell has answered a need Christians have always expressed–to hear current, challenging issues carefully dissected in language anyone can understand. Elders would do well to get a copy of this little book for every family in the congregation they oversee. I anticipate much good coming from Don’s work on these challenging issues.”
~Glenn Colley
(Gospel preacher, elder, national speaker)
“We live in a confused world. This book clearly states the Biblical principles that should affect our decisions as we live lives of boldness and determination for God. It is not just a book for teens, but for their parents as well.”
~Luke Griffin
(Director of Operations, House to House – Heart to Heart)
“For some time, I have been familiar with “The Truth About…” DVD series and the good it is doing in the Lord’s church. Don Blackwell has obviously invested hours of study and hard work into this material, and I truly believe the reader will be the blessed beneficiary of such efforts.”
~Cliff Goodwin
(Gospel peacher)
“Don Blackwell is one of the most capable, effective preachers of this generation. Unafraid to take on the tough issues on teen’s minds, his approach is invigorating–both biblical and practical. I am happy to commend this book to you.”
~Allen Webster
(Editor-in-Chief, House to House – Heart to Heart)