SPANISH Teaching Card: El Acto del Evangelio – El Simbolismo del Evangelio
SKU: 129140CRB01$39.00
This beautiful teaching card, “The Gospel Enacted – The Gospel Re-enacted,” is now available in Spanish “El Acto del Evangelio – El Simbolismo del Evangelio.” It is designed for the Lord’s Church to handout to neighbors, friends and strangers; to illustrate the beauty of the Gospel enacted through Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection, and then teaches them how through baptism the Gospel is again beautifully re-enacted in our death to sin, burial in water with Christ, and resurrection to a new life. A small card that teaches vital information to the lost. Size: 4 x 6 in.
Quantity discounts
1-2 | 3+ |
$39.00 | $35.00 |
Teaching Card
Front Side:
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