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SPANISH: School Video Courses / Topical Videos Hard Drive

SKU: 120100HSS10

Original price was: $375.00.Current price is: $295.00.

All Spanish Bible School courses and topical programs in your hand on one hard drive with 257 videos from 33 programs of great Bible teaching material. This hard drive is equivalent to roughly 86 DVDs valued at about $1,030. (Version 10 May 2024)

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Spanish: School Video Courses / Topical Videos – Version 10

All Spanish Bible School courses and topical programs in your hand on one hard drive with 257 videos from 33 programs of great Bible teaching material. This hard drive is equivalent to roughly 86 DVDs valued at about $1,030.

Escuela Bíblica En Línea (Bible School Courses) Number of Videos
1 Corintios (1 Corinthians) New 28
2 Corintios (2 Corinthians) New 20
Hechos (Acts) 33
Colosenses (Colossians) 9
Gálatas (Galatians) 12
Génesis (Genesis) 18
Griego (Greek) 16
Lucas (Luke) 27
Filipenses (Philippians) 8
VIDEOS EN ESPAÑOL Number of Videos
Acaso Importa? (Does It Matter?) 1
Adónde Vamos Cuando Morimos (Where Do We Go When We Die) 3
Buscando La Verdad (Searching for Truth) 6
El Día de Reposo – Sabbat (Sabbath Day) 1
El Ladrón En La Cruz (Thief on the Cross) 1
El Nuevo Usted (The New You) New 11
Evangelismo Simplificado (Evangelism Simplified) New 6
¿Existen los Milagros en la actualidad? (Do Miracles Exist Today?) 1
Fundamentos De La Fe (Fundamentals of the Faith) 15
Las Diez Mandamientos (The Ten Commandments) 1
La Verdad Sobre Asuntos Morales (The Truth About Moral Issues) New Content 6
La Verdad Sobre Navidad (The Truth About Christmas) 1
La Verdad Sobre Pornografia (The Truth About Pornography) 1
Matrimonio Divorcio y Segundas Nupcias (Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage) 1
Necesito Ser Rebautizado (Do I Need to be Rebaptized) 1
Organización Y Liderazgo (Biblical Leadership) New 6
Por qué Dios (Why God) 6
Por Qué Hay Tantas Iglesias (Why Are There So Many Churches) 1
Preguntas de Creación (Creation Questions) New 4
Premilenialismo (Premilllennialism) New 2
Prueba de Dios (Proof for God) New 1
Qué Debo Hacer Para Ser Salvo (What Must I Do To Be Saved) 2
Quién es el Espíritu Santo (Who Is the Holy Spirit) 1

Volver a la Biblia (Back to the Bible)


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SPANISH: School Video Courses / Topical Videos Hard Drive
Original price was: $375.00.Current price is: $295.00. Add to cart