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Out with Doubt 2-DVD Set

SKU: 105312DVD00


Lessons about God’s existence, dinosaurs, the Bible’s inspiration, and creation versus evolution. It is hosted by Kyle Butt and includes thirteen 28-minute lessons on 2 DVDs.

This product is available for sale at the Apologetics Press


Out With Doubt – DVD – ApologeticsPress

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Kyle Butt takes a compelling look at the overwhelming evidence that proves the truths of Christianity. This engaging series takes the viewer on an exciting trip through facts that are essential to a well-grounded faith.

Sooner or later most of us find ourselves or our friends wondering about such topics as God’s exisistence, dinosaurs, the Bible’s inspiration, and creation versus evolution. In a simple, easy to understand manner, this series of lessons deals with these profound topics in a way that leaves no room for doubt.

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Weight 1 lbs
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