Gospel Preachers Living History Series Video & Audio USB

SKU: 106201USB01


This USB contains a series of interviews and sermons with Gospel preachers in the effort to preserve their influence for future generations. For each preacher the program includes a video interview with them, or close friends and family, to discuss the experiences and influences that shaped their lives. Each preacher then delivered one of his favorite sermons, which is included in the program as an audio lesson. Let these faithful men help us learn from and appreciate our history so we can avoid the mistakes of the past and take courage to press on to the future.
Note: Video Interviews = 24.5 hours  | Audio Sermons = 16.75 hours


Gospel Preachers Living History Series
“…entrust these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.” 2 Tim. 2:2


Featured Gospel Preachers  Interview Date  Videos – Interviewed by         Audio  – Sermons
Adron Doran (1909-2001) September 1997 Weylan Deaver The Shepherd Psalm
Andrew Connally (1931-1992) March 1997 Weylan Deaver The Menace of Mediocrity
Avon Malone (1932-2003) 2001 Chuck Horner The Cross of Christ
Bill Hearn (1923-2012) 1997 Weylan Deaver The Honest Man
Bill Nicks (1919-2013) 2002 Chuck Horner The Way of Brokeness
Clarence Deloach November 2003 Chuck Horner The Great Fulfiller
Curtis Cates (1941-2013) 1997 Weylan Deaver Passion for Souls
Earl Edwards 1998 Weylan Deaver People with Vision
Ed Crookshank 1998 Weylan Deaver The Church
Garland Elkins (1926-2016) 1997 Weylan Deaver Some Things Paul Learned
George Bailey (1922-2017) 1997 Weylan Deaver Can You Recommend Your Religion?
Guss Eoff (1923-2014) July 2002 Michael Fehmer More Than We Anticipate
H.A. Buster Dobbs (1926-2017) May 1997 Weylan Deaver The Lordship of Jesus
J.A. McNutt (1908-1999) October 1998 Weylan Deaver Ignorance and Indifference
Jackie Stearsman (1938-2016) September 2001 Chuck Horner Does God Care How We Worship
James Meadows (1930-2018) 1998 Weylan Deaver Why Christ Had to Die
Johnny Ramsey (1930-2006) November 1998 Weylan Deaver The Joy of Christianity
Marshall Keeble (1878-1968) September 2002 Wesley Simons (5 different interviews) No Sermon Available
Maxie B. Boren (1932-2016) 2001 Chuck Horner Building Bridges in Church
Norman Starling (1928-2020) July 2001 Chuck Horner Authentic Christianity
Perry B. Cotham (1912-2013) 1997 Weylan Deaver By Grace through Faith
Robert R. Taylor (1931-2023) 1998 Weylan Deaver A Christian Like Paul
Rod Rutherford April 1998 Weylan Deaver Some Things You Should Know About World Evangelism
Roy C. Deaver (1922-2007) February 1997 Weylan Deaver Why the Eunuch Rejoiced
Roy Hearn (1911-2000) 1998 Weylan Deaver The Preeminence of the Church
Skip Andrews 2002 Chuck Horner 1 John 3:1-3
Thomas B. Warren (1920-2000) March 1997 Weylan Deaver What the Devil Wants
Wendell Winkler (1931-2005) October 1998 Weylan Deaver Why I am Happy to be a Christian
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Gospel Preachers Living History Series Video & Audio USB