Debate on Catholicism (Pottsville, PA)

SKU: 106504


A debate between Paul Rothermel (Catholic priest) and Darrell Conley (Church of Christ) on recognizing the Bible as the Church’s only authority.



This three-night discussion was conducted June 17-19, 1996 in Pottsville, Pennsylvania. On the first night, Darrell Conley (of the Church of Christ) affirmed that the true church recognizes the Bible as its only authority. Paul Rothermel (Catholic priest) denied. On the second night, Buster Dobbs (of the Church of Christ) affirmed that the Catholic doctrines of Mary, the Eucharist and the Pope contradict what the Bible teaches. Edward Connolly (Catholic priest) denied. The third night consisted of audience questions answered by Darrell Conley, Buster Dobbs and Jerry Moffitt (of the Church of Christ) and Paul Rothermel, Edward Connolly and Benjamin Luther (all Catholic priests).

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Debate on Catholicism (Pottsville, PA)