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4-Book Study Set

SKU: 100783BKP01

Original price was: $45.00.Current price is: $36.00.

Get all 4 of these edifying study books for only $36.00
(Regularly $45.00)


Men in the Making,
The Truth About…Moral Issues,
Searching for Truth and Songs of Deliverance




Men in the Making (This 92-page soft-cover book is written by Kyle Butt, Stan Butt, Jr., and J.D. Schwartz.) 


In Men in the Making, the authors have endeavored to equip young men with biblical information and practical knowledge they need to deal with tough issues like, honor, godliness, purity, sex, and being a real man of God.


Any builder will tell you that a building is only as good as its foundation.


Solomon, Paul, John, and others realized that maturity in young men lays a vital foundation for their spirituality for the rest of their lives. Throughout the Bible we see some of the greatest spiritual heroes of human history who were strong because they made a commitment to God as young men–heroes such as King David, Daniel, Joseph, Joshua, and Timothy.


What do they have in common? They were all, at one point, in their lives, faithful teenagers who recognized their spiritual responsibilities as Men of God, even when some considered them boys. They were Men in the Making.




The Truth About..Moral Issues


This 132-page, softcover book written by Don Blackwell makes a wonderful teaching tool for the subjects: Tattoos, Gambling, Drinking, Dancing, Lying, Modesty, Pornography, Marriage Divorce and Remarraige, and What Must I Do To be Saved?. 2019 Version – Changed to black and white interior pages instead of color.




Searching for Truth (This study guide is a 112-page, 8.5” x 11” soft cover, full-color, bound book.)


These study guides are a great resource, either as an accompaniment to the Searching for Truth DVDs, or used on their own as a workbook. The material, written by John Moore, is suitable for use in any Bible class setting, or given to family, friends, and co-workers. The text follows the same chapter structure and is nearly a word-for-word transcript of the DVD.

Chapter 1 – About Truth
Chapter 2 – About the Creator
Chapter 3 – About Authority
Chapter 4 – About the Church
Chapter 5 – About the House of God
Chapter 6 – About Baptism
Answer Key


The study guides include extended question sections, including a “Section Review” after each section and a “Chapter Review” at the end of each chapter. To close-out the chapter there is a “Digging Deeper” section, which includes additional verses on the subject matter that are not used in the text with questions regarding those verses. The answer to every question can be found in the Answer Key section at the end of the book.

Additionally, three new teaching charts have been added. These 8.5 x 11 inch, full-color charts cover popular issues such as, “Where do we go when we die?,” “Modern Churches Timeline,” and “The Ten Commandments?”




Songs of Deliverance (This 106-page soft-cover study book authored by Debra Griffin Mitchell is a Great New Study Book for Ladies.)


Are you looking for a refreshing new book for the ladies’ class or personal study? Are you ready for an in-depth examination of portions of God’s word that you probably haven’t studied before? Songs of Deliverance considers the responses of God’s people when He answered their prayers and delivered them from trials and tribulations. Stand amazed with the Israelites at the Red Sea as the waves swallow their enemies. Weep with Hannah and then learn the secret of her sacrifice. Look through David’s time telescope and see Christ….and yourself! Through their songs, these Bible heroines and heroes reveal nuances of God’s nature that will draw you closer to Him as you learn the joys and responsibilities of God’s deliverance. Immerse yourself in Songs of Deliverance, and your day will end on a good note.


Five-star Rating“Arranged in thirteen insightful, easy to follow and inspirational chapters, Songs of Deliverance begins with songs and prayers from the Old Testament, moving up through the New Testament and even those used by the early Church. Each chapter is clearly designed for a class or individuals to follow to appreciate the depth and complexity of the stories and events presented in Scripture. Topics to think about and discuss are spread throughout the presentation of the songs and an application of the lesson to everyday life concludes each chapter. This text is well researched and extensive footnotes and the citation of sources are included. Debra Griffin Mitchell has taken key sections of the Bible and made them easily accessible to students of any age.”


~Readers’ Favorite Review




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4-Book Study Set
Original price was: $45.00.Current price is: $36.00. Add to cart