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  • This program is taught by and intended for women. Do you like to ask questions? Are you inquisitive? Do you enjoy learning new things about the Bible?  In this series, Becky Blackmon challenges all of us to seek the Lord and examine our priorities in this life. How easy it is to get distracted and forget about God.  It includes 2 lessons on 1 DVD.

  • The Dismantling Evolution Seminar highlights devastating flaws in the fundamental components of evolution. Join four scientists and a Hebrew scholar as they highlight these flaws and build the true model of cosmic origins, which fits the evidence. This seminar was held at the Jacksonville Church of Christ in Jacksonville, Alabama on January 27-29, 2017.  It includes 7 sessions, approximately 45 minutes per session, on 2 DVDs.

  • This program is taught by and intended for women. God created out of His great love and He gave His only begotten Son out of His great love. Because He wants offspring who will return His love, He shows us how love looks. Lesson 1 of this set discusses God’s gift to Christ (Colossians 1:16), and the sacrifice Jesus made to bring the gift home to heaven. The second presentation defines and illustrates ways in which we may show sacrificial love toward our Sovereign Lord.  It is hosted by Doritta Johnson and includes 2 lessons on 1 DVD.

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