World Religions 7-DVD Set

SKU: 108820DVD00


Is Christianity truly different from other religions in the world? Are all religions equal and simply different ways to God? With religious tension on the rise, it is even more important to understand the difference between Christianity and other major religions in the world. This survey study compares Islam to Christianity, Buddha with Christ, the New Age Movement versus the Bible, and much more! It is hosted by Rod Rutherford and includes 20 lessons on 7 DVDs.




Lessons Include:
DVD #1
1. An Introduction to the Study
2. Islam (Part 1)
3. Islam (Part 2)DVD #2
4. Islam (Part 3)
5. Hinduism (Part 1)
6. Hinduism (Part 2)DVD #3
7. Buddhism (Part 1)
8. Buddhism (Part 2)
9. ShintoismDVD #4
10. Confucianism
11. Judaism (Part 1)
12. Judaism (Part 2)

DVD #5
13. Animism
14. Taoism
15. Zoroastrianism

DVD #6
16. Jainism
17. Sikhism
18. The New Age Movement (Part 1)

DVD #7
19. The New Age Movement (Part 2)
20. Jesus Christ


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World Religions DVD-set
World Religions 7-DVD Set