Why God? DVD

SKU: 105362DVD01


Can atheism logically explain the existence of the Universe and everything in it, or does God exist? Does an honest investigation of the world around us logically lead to a Creator, or does godless naturalism sufficiently explain design, intelligence, and morality? And, if God does exist, where did He come from, and why doesn’t He just show Himself to everyone to prove that He exists—if He really does? Join Eric Lyons as he discusses these and many other intriguing questions in Why God? This DVD includes 35 lessons and English Subtitles.

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Answering Challenges to God, the Bible, and Creation

Why God?

Can atheism logically explain the existence of the Universe and everything in it, or does God exist? Does an honest investigation of the world around us logically lead to a Creator, or does godless naturalism sufficiently explain design, intelligence, and morality? And, if God does exist, where did He come from, and why doesn’t He just show Himself to everyone to prove that He exists—if He really does? Join Eric Lyons as he discusses these and many other intriguing questions in Why God?

  1. 4 Reasons to Believe in God (6:58 min)
  2. Where Did God Come From? (4:12 min)
  3. Fine-Tuned Design Demands a Fine-Tuner (3:40 min)
  4. Why Doesn’t God Show Himself? (4:55 min)
  5. What is the Meaning of Life? Atheism versus God (3:44 min)
  6. Atheism: Contradictory at Best (4:47 min)
  7. What Do You Know? (5:05 min)
  8. Are Christians Crazy? (4:18 min)
  9. Are Christians Brainwashing Their Kids? (4:58 min)
  10. One Proof of God: Jesus (3:00 min)
  11. Christ and Credible Testimony (8:50 min)
  12. God and Rational Faith (8:37 min)
  13. What is Apologetics? (2:56 min)


Time, Evolution, and The Bible

The Bible is not silent about origins, time, and the sequence of Creation. Time and chronology are also important to naturalistic evolutionists, who admit that if the Earth is not billions of years old, but much younger, then evolution is not true. Follow along with Eric as he delves into various questions regarding Time, Evolution, and the Bible.

  1. Why Address the Age of the Earth (4:35 min)
  2. “God’s Not Bound by Time” (4:53 min)
  3. Miracles and Earth’s Apparent Age (7:06 min)
  4. Man and the Age of the Earth (6:52 min)
  5. Creation: Made or Remade? (5:03 min)
  6. The Day – Age Theory (4:13 min)
  7. Creation Versus Evolutionary Chronology (5:01 min)
  8. When Did God Create the Sun? (4:46 min)
  9. When Did God Create Dinosaurs? (9:51 min)
  10. Was One Day of Creation a Thousand Years? (4:06 min)
  11. Was There Enough Time on Day 6 of Creation? (3:17 min)


Is The Bible Contradictory?

Skeptics contend that the Bible is unworthy of belief because the authors made all manner of blunders in writing it. Is this true? Did the Bible writers err in penning Scripture? Join Eric as he demonstrates that Bible “contradictions” are actually mere presumptions or misinterpretations on the part of the reader.

  1. One Reason to Believe the Bible (4:40 min)
  2. Bats, Birds…and a Bible Blunder? (5:27 min)
  3. Did God Tempt Abraham? (4:18 min)
  4. Did Jesus Rise On Third or After Three Days? (5:44 min)
  5. Did Moses Write Deuteronomy 34? (4:10 min)
  6. Does God “Look on Wickedness”? (3:26 min)
  7. Did Judas Die Twice? (4:00 min)
  8. Was Jesus Disrespectful to His Mother? (2:19 min)
  9. Did the Gospel Go to Every Creature? (3:51 min)
  10. Did God Approve of Rahab’s Lie? (12:34 min)
  11. Did Paul Endorse Slavery? (10:08 min)
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Why God? DVD