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Public Discussion on Eternal Security of the Believer DVD

SKU: 106603DVD01

Original price was: $14.00.Current price is: $10.00.

Can a Christian lose their eternal salvation if they choose to depart from the living God? Can a Christian fall from grace? What causes one to fall from grace? How do we know if we have fallen from grace? What does the Bible teach? Listen to B.J. Clarke and Michael Brawner as they discuss the eternal security of the believer. Featured on one DVD with approximately four hours of great discussions.

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eternal Security of the believer

May 26-27 2017
Lafayette, Tennessee 

Can a Christian lose his eternal salvation if he chooses to depart from the living God? Can a Christian fall from grace? What causes one to fall from grace? How do we know if we have fallen from grace? What does the Bible teach?

On May 26-27, 2016, Michael Brawner, a Missionary Baptist Preacher, met for a public discussion of the eternal security of the believer (“once saved always saved”) with B.J. Clarke, a member of the church of Christ.  Michael Brawner affirmed “the scriptures teach that those who have been born again cannot so far depart from the will of God as to be finally lost in Hell.” B.J. Clarke affirmed “the Scriptures teach that one saved by the blood of Christ can thereafter fall from grace by departing from the living God, and thus be lost eternally.”


BJ Clarke Michael Brawner
Bradley Joseph (B.J.) Clarke was born in Canton, Illinois, the son of Ted and Sherrie Clarke. His  father is also a Gospel preacher and educator of preachers. B.J. married the former Tish Hall. He earned a BS and an MA in New Testament Text from Freed-Hardeman University.

He began full-time preaching in 1983 and has preached in numerous youth rallies, gospel meetings, and lectureships. He has done local work in Tennessee, Mississippi, and Arkansas. Currently, he serves as the Director of the Memphis School of Preaching.



is a member and ordained minister of the Union Camp Missionary Baptist Church located in Macon County, Tennessee. He has authored a number of books and articles including “Universalism Brought to the Light,” “The Tree of Life, and “Basic Church Doctrine.” Michael Brawner currently serves as pastor and missionary in Tennessee, Missouri, Texas and Arkansas.










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Public Discussion on Eternal Security of the Believer DVD
Original price was: $14.00.Current price is: $10.00. Add to cart