Debate on Catholicism (Pottsville, PA) 3-DVD Set

SKU: 106504DVD00


A debate between Paul Rothermel (Catholic priest) and Darrell Conley (Church of Christ) on recognizing the Bible as the Church’s only authority. 3 DVDs.



DVD #1
Night 1–June 17, 1996
Resolved: The true church, the one established by Jesus Christ, recognizes the Bible as its only authority in faith and practice.
Affirmed: Darrell Conley
Denied: Paul L. Rothermel
DVD #2
Night 2–June 18, 1996
Resolved: The distinctive Catholic doctrines about Mary, the Eucharist, and the Pope contradict what the Bible teaches.

Affirmed:  H. A. “Buster” Dobbs 
Denied:  Edward Connolly


 DVD #3

 Night 3–June 19, 1996

Questions & Answers:  Panelists answer written questions from the audience.

Church of Christ:  Darrell Conley, H. A. “Buster” Dobbs, Jerry Moffitt
Catholic Church:  Paul L. Rothermel, Edward Connolly, Benjamin Luther

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Weight 1 lbs
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Debate on Catholicism (Pottsville, PA) 3-DVD Set