Tell Your Community about the Lord’s Church

“Church of Your Choice” is an excellent 14-minute video program designed to help identify the Lord’s Church to your local community.

Using the common phrasing heard in the religious world, “choose the church of your choice,” this video turns the viewer’s perspective toward what Jesus has already chosen for His church to be. Providing the identifying characteristics of a biblical Church, the lesson encourages the viewer to seek out the church found in the Bible.

This valuable program can be used by your congregation to teach your community who the Lord’s Church is, and why it must be the Church of their choice. Here are several ways for your congregation to make use of this excellent resource:

  1. Embed the video directly in the church’s website so local visitors can watch the video without having to leave the website.
    1. This can be done by using the “Embed” code provided below the video on the following webpage:
  2. Churches can use door hangers and advertising cards customized to the church’s contact information and website.
    1. While WVBS does not custom print these cards directly. We recommend contacting the brethren at House to House (,  who have agreed to use the card templates for this project and work with the congregation to custom print small orders containing the local information.
    2. Please contact House to House Heart to Heart ( with the following details:
      1. Congregational contact method
        1. Email is recommended, but phone number can also be listed.
      2. Congregation’s name and address can be included.
      3. If you have embedded the video on the congregation’s website,
        1. Then you can have the website ( changed to your URL
        2. The QR code be changed to your congregation’s URL (best if you are embedding the video on your website).
    3. Below are thumbnails of both the Door Hanger and the 4×6 Advertising Card. Please specify which card item(s) you are interested in ordering customized versions.


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